Meet the team: Judith

Meet the team: Judith

Tell us a little bit about you, your background and your new position at spacelab_?

I am a qualified Architect of 12 years, in which 7 of those have been with Spacelab! I am experienced in commercial, residential as well as the hospitality sectors, both within the UK and overseas. My favourite projects remain to be retrofit ones where we bring new identity and purpose to existing buildings and create spaces that people love.

What inspires you?

People inspire me! People's wisdom, willpower, determination and humour are all qualities that I draw inspiration from everyday.

What do you like the most about your work?

Although I look after projects from inception to completion, I get most excited when I see drawings become architecture on site! I love to see our designs come to life, and it's such a fantastic feeling when you see the little details  complete and realise our design vision throughout the construction period.

What have been the most rewarding project moments during your time at spacelab_’?

Honestly, it's when an existing client/ consultant get in touch or refer us to new opportunities because this is evidence of our team consistently delivering good work.

What would your ideal project be?

Sufficient time to develop design from concept to technical details. No value engineering.

What made you want to join the lab_?

The collaborative nature between creative disciplines across the lab, in which we are all progressive thinkers and are committed to make a positive difference and impact to our world.

If you could change one thing within the industry, what would it be?

Stop greenwashing and focus our efforts into reducing the real environmental impact of construction.